In this page, we will cover the non-technical aspect of Meditation Retreat in Bali and the technical aspect. We hope that this information could help you when consider doing Meditation Retreat.
The Essences
What is meditation? Meditation in Tibetan language is called Gom which means “to familiarize”. Futhermore, we could elaborate that the teaching of meditation specifically encourage us to familiarize our-self with our true nature. We have the innate capability within us to be happy. We have the inherent inner peace within us. To truly alive, and truly savor the vast beauty of Life itself. Meditation is actually to come back home. To our True Home, our Inner Essence. Retreat main purpose is actually to emphasize that more. “To retreat” means to open our focus, from the material phenomena to something deeper within us. So the essence of meditation retreat is to recognize our true nature, and to recognize the expression of our true nature usually in the form of movement and practices.
Beyond Technical
When we do a meditation retreat in Bali or a private retreat in Bali, we usually had many intention. As we discuss later in the direct and exploration path below, we could also elaborate the intention of people in two kind of intention, and those two are totally correct intention. The first one is the direct intention. People go to retreat to seek the direct happiness. To recognize inner peace. People go to retreat to pursue Infinite Happiness. To know the Ultimate Truth. This is the direct intention. There are also the explorative intention, and that is great too. People go to retreat to explore his or her body. To explore the movement of energy and the breath. People go to the meditation retreat in Bali to learn the art of manifestation and healing. Every intention has the profound beauty in it. So what is it that match the intention ? It is the teaching. Many teaching has a different emphasize. It is our calling to share with you the beauty of all path that resonates with you, and also we formulate our own path that is encompassing all aspects.
So in our perspective, the most important aspect of retreat is the path or the teaching itself. Beside the technical aspect that we would discuss later in this pages. Here in we present our innermost offerings as Marga Wismaya. Marga Wismaya in ancient Indonesian language means The Path of Miracles. It is a mixture of the path and practices to recognize our true nature and its expression. Marga Wismaya is manifested by Andreas Pasolympia and his wife, Winnie Hartono. It is the culmination of Indonesian Ancient Practices to recognize Ultimate Happiness, harnessing energy, and exploring ourself. The characteristic of Indonesian-path is a mixture. Indonesian practices of Spirituality encompasses primordial-oneness, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Sufism. Therefore, its interpret Ultimate Reality and Innate Happiness as intimate and invisible wholeness in human experiences. It is universal, and open for everyone.
The Deepening Perspectives
When we conduct a teaching in the format of Meditation Retreat Bali, Private Retreat, Yoga Retreat, or any format. We divide the teaching into two categories. Even the two is actually inseparable and inter-related. The first one is Direct Path. The second one is Exploration Path. The direct path is for those who really want to know directly the Ultimate Happiness. It is for those who already searching, and want to finish the search. It is the special present from Marga Wismaya for those seekers. Who want to know the deep inner peace within us, recognizing the Ultimate Reality. And ready to embodied that in the practical lives. The second one, exploration path is the exploration of energy and the manifested realm. The exploration of the breath, energy center, and many more. The two path can be mixed. But for the education purposes, the distinction between the two must be known by the practitioner.
Because of our mixed journey, other path that we can discuss together as we do the meditation retreat in Bali or in other format are various. For example the Indian Pranayama, Javanese Energy Practices, Advaita Vedanta, Khasmir Shavaism, Buddhism, Mystical Christianity, Quantum Physic, Scientific Approach, and many more. Marga Wismaya can strengthen any other path that you already resonant with. Because again, the characteristic of Indonesian Ancient Practices is mixture and assimilation of many practices. Indonesian elder has the capability to integrate many teaching. Therefore the national credo of Indonesia until now is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Meaning Unity in Diversity. The esoteric and original meaning of it in the Sutasoma Scroll is “There are many manifestation, but only One Truth. There are many path, but only One Reality.”
Our Uniqueness : Broad and Personalized at The Same Time
What is the uniqueness of Indonesian Ancient Teaching ? The teaching itself is very broad because it is encompassing all teaching from Animism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sufism. That is what we bring in Marga Wismaya by Andreas and Winnie. We had our understanding by very various and broad teaching. So the implications is in our private retreat, we could personalized the teaching that is suited to the temperament of the people. While in our public retreat, we give the broad and general teaching, so that people could take away the teachings that most resonant with them. That is uniqueness of Indonesian Ancient Teaching and Marga Wismaya, broad and personalized at the same time.
Technical Aspect and Format of Meditation Retreat
So that is the non-technical aspect of Meditation Retreat in Bali or in other areas. That is the teaching and the path. Now we will cover also the non-technical aspect and format of Meditation Retreat. Whether it is Meditation Retreat Bali, Private Retreat Bali, Yoga Retreat Bali, Inner Peace Retreat Bali, or Healing Retreat Bali. We will cover many aspect of it and provide elaboration for your comfort when do your journey.
Private Retreat Bali
The characteristics of Private Retreat in Bali, is tailored especially for you. You will be able to experience an one only tailored retreat, designed to meet your need and request at the time. We also in Marga Wismaya provided this Private Retreat in Bali. Feel free to discuss about it with us when you want to do Private Meditation Retreat in Bali. We will do our best to give the most suitable retreat, just for you. And also, to create the best experience, we only accept inquiry for max 2 person (for example : couple, close friend, family) and we will prioritize this class for personal inquiry. Again, the special flavor of Private Retreat in Bali is the customization. When you do Private Retreat in Bali with us, you could share your need, your personal spiritual journey, and your deepest intention. Then we will tailored the practices according to your natural callings.
Semi-Private or Small Group Retreat Bali
This retreat is intended for anyone who travel to Bali and want to join our class in small group. 3 – 6 person. The characteristic is similar to Private Meditation Retreat in Bali, but it is less customized. For The Semi Private Meditation Retreat Bali, you may join our retreat with our special authentic theme, together with other person who want to join. But if the group is synchronized together, for example a group of close friend or family that know about each other well and want a same theme, it could bring such a blessing to do Semi-Private or Small Group Retreat in Bali. The concept is similar to Private Meditation Retreat Bali but with more person included. Feel free to discuss and contact us preferably via email ( or WhatsApp +6285-6266-8555, if you want to do Semi-Private or Small Group Retreat in Bali.
Public Retreat and Public Class
We also conduct the public retreat, even though we prefer private retreat for the customization of the teaching. But sometimes the Public Retreat and Public Class is great to experience. Public retreat is usually conduct for 10 person or even more. And public class is conducted for large audiences. Please contact us or see our schedule in our schedule page if you want to attend the Public Class. Also if you want to arrange the public retreat in your country, we are open for that. We are delighted to share the teaching of Marga Wismaya. The Ancient Indonesian-way of uncover the mystery of life and its profound miracles.
The Key Terms That People Usually Search in Term of Meditation Retreat
Healing Meditation Retreat
Healing meditation retreat in Bali is a key term that people usually use to search about when they are considering a retreat program. The term healing implies that people want to transform their wounds. People want to nourish them self with life-sustaining energy. So healing meditation retreat basically is about nourishing the body, mind, psyche, and many holistic aspect in our life. Doing healing meditation retreat in Bali is to become whole, is to transform, or to learn the innate healing art that lies within all of us.
We here in Marga Wismaya provide for all of you who are in search for those things. Those who want to be healed or those who want to learn about the art of healing. All is available in private format and other kind of format. We provide healing meditation retreat in Bali as the explorative version of Indonesian ancient teaching. We will learn about how to heal gross body, subtle body, and we will learn krenteg ati, which means how to tune in to our natural spark that can be used as a tools in healing as a catalyst. That is about healing meditation retreat.
We have many options on our Healing Meditation Retreat Program. Healing include many faculty such as gross body, subtle body and bliss body, etc.
Inner Peace Meditation Retreat
People are looking for inner peace. Sometime they search inner peace meditation retreat in Bali. One of the main reason is because people are unable to find peace, specifically inner peace in today’s modern world. Why people are unable to find happiness in their own heart ?
It is because people don’t know where to search or even where to start. In inner peace meditation retreat in Bali, we will be guided to find their true inner peace which always reside in our self. This makes inner peace meditation retreat as one of the very best tool to find our true inner peace.
When we conduct Inner peace meditation retreat in Bali, we are not only offering inner peace as an experience, but also educating about the inherent peace that can always found within our heart. Which is our true nature beyond the name and form. Especially in our direct path, we are really emphasizing about that. Only again and again, abide as our natural peace. Rest peacefully and wakefully as self-luminous light within our Being.
In Marga Wismaya we are providing inner peace meditation retreat in Bali as one of our main program. In this retreat, there will be several option for you to personalized your retreat. We are really welcome anyone who come by themself or with friends. We will arrange inner peace meditation retreat in Bali to meet your current needs and condition at the time.
Jnana Yoga Meditation Retreat
People also search about Jnana Yoga Meditation Retreat in Bali. Yoga in Sanskrit language means Union. Some people also translate it as integration or embodiment. While usually people think yoga as posture training, Yoga is actually a path of discovering ourselves. There are many path of Yoga. The path of energy (kriya), the path of action (karma), the path of knowledge (jnana), and the path of devotion (bhakti).
Indonesian ancient knowledge had its own assimilation that also similar to Indian Jnana Yoga. Here in Marga Wismaya, we divided the Yoga Meditation Retreat in two direction. The direct path, which is similar to the path of knowledge (jnana). And also the explorative path, which is also similar to the mixture of devotion / love (bhakti), energy-practices (kriya), and action (karma).
So the uniqueness of Marga Wismaya and Indonesian ancient teaching are broadness of the method, yet it is very personalized to the temperament of the people. Because it is broad in nature, it could provide people with any temperament a suitable method. That is the way when we conduct Yoga Meditation Retreat in Bali. The path of direct knowledge, and explorative path of energy, love, and action.
That is why in Marga Wismaya, Jnana Yoga Meditation Retreat in Bali is one of our important program. Our Yoga Meditation Retreat in Bali program also available for anyone who want to join private class, semi private class, or public class. Just discuss it with us, contact us via email ( or WhatsApp +6285-6266-8555.
Types of Retreats
That is why in Marga Wismaya, Healing Meditation, Inner Peace Meditation, and Yoga Meditation Retreat in Bali is also our important concern. And here we divided the path into Direct Path and Explorative Path. Those two path could be mixed, but it is important to knew the differences for understanding purposes.
Marga Wismaya retreat and courses could be conducted in 1 days, 2 days, 3 days, or 5 days format, or even longer. Our recommendation is two days or three days for short types of retreat. And five days or seven days for longer types of retreat.
All of our retreat program is also available for anyone who want to join private class, semi private class, or public class. Just discuss it with us, contact us via email ( or WhatsApp +6285-6266-8555.
Our programs from Private Meditation Bali to Public Meditation Bali are held mainly in Bali. We also welcome for any overseas inquiry. The events are held in several location affiliated with us, usually the location will be decided based on the guest itinerary. The program can be held in resort hotel, villa, guest house, or even in public. All depends on the guest needs and budget. Our main recommendation will be to choose private villa, because the program can be executed in private space. That way the program can become beneficial for those who are included in the events.
The uniqueness of private and semi private are the time flexibility aspect, beside the personalized approach which mentioned before. So you can contact us for discuss directly via email or WhatsApp below. For public class you can look up the schedule at this website or you can also contact us for further discussion and explanation.
About Andreas & Winnie
Andreas and Winnie is husband and wife who live in Bali. They met when they were 12th years old and both were questioning about the nature of the reality since. Time passed, many miraculous moment happened, as the chain of karma manifested they got married and The Divine deepens their realization through out their life. They both got exposure by various teachings and traditions, and then they manifested Marga Wismaya as culmination of all those ancient teaching of Indonesia. We hope it can be beneficial for the world. For Andreas profile and also our free telegram group and channel please visit the bottom of our home page.
Contact and Inquiries
For further inquiries please contact us directly.
Email :
Phone and WhatsApp :
Winnie : +6281542251206
Andreas : +628562668555